02 June 2019

Sagip Saka Is Poor! SakaYamanan Is Rich! Don't Think Poor: Think Rich

And so I continue to build the case of Alternative Intelligence Journalism, in short, AI Journalism. My AI is not Artificial Intelligence; it is "of, with, for the people " (see my first essay, "The Next Journalism – Applying AI, Alternative Intelligence" (31 May 2019, AI Journalismblogspot.com). From becoming the Editor in Chief of the Forest Research Institute based in Los Baños, Laguna in 1975, today my journalistic journey has been strewn with thousands upon thousands of essays of an average minimum of 1,000 words each – each one urging the reader to THiNK! 

With today's Congress thinking of Sagip Saka, this time, I say:

Philippine lawmakers think too highly of themselves.  

Rowena B Bundang writes, "Senate Adopts House Version Of Proposed 'Sagip Saka Act'" (01 March 2019, Congresscongress.gov.ph). Sagip Saka "seeks to institute the Farmers & Fisherfolk Enterprise Development Program" that will be under the Department of Agriculture, DA.

Having read the whole story, to this legislative initiative, I say: Both Sagip Saka and Enterprise Development are improvable. I mean, we can improve on them. Yes, Needs Improvement.

If Sagip Saka becomes law, I am not going to blame the DA for failing at enterprise development of farmers and fishers. If you look at the provisions of the Sagip Saka bill, the following initiatives will not result in enterprise development as enumerated (text from Miss Rowena):

The forms of assistance under the program are: 1) improvement of production and productivity, including agricultural extension services, skills development, provision of production inputs, equipment, facilities, and infrastructure for production and post-production activities; 2) improvement of producers' and enterprises' access to financing in the form of credit grants and crop insurance; 3) provision of access to improved technologies through research and development; and 4) provision of business support and development services, particularly in the areas of access to markets, marketing, and networking.

No, my dear senators and representatives of our Congress, (1) plus (2) plus (3) plus (4) will not redound to enterprise development! 

Enterprise development means building entrepreneurship among farmers & fishers – and government is the wrong fellow to teach this. We must get the private sector in!

By the way, "Sagip Saka" means literally "Saving Farming" that which implies a low-level expectation. Now then, instead of Sagip Saka:

I propose "SakaYamanan" that which literally means "Farming To Wealth." You must aim high because, if you aim low, you may hit the bottom. Exactly.

What the farmers need is not simply higher income but income that makes a better family life that is sustainable.

Instead of Sagip Saka, SakaYamanan will embody a government program that will provide the funds from government funds for the private sector to actively assist the farmers and fishers in developing their business skills, from soil to sales.

Enterprise development is incorrect; farmer entrepreneurship is correctYou do not develop the enterprise for the farmer – you help him develop himself into an entrepreneur.

SakaYamanan is dedicated to making farm family entrepreneurs. Yes, it better be family.

SakaYamanan is growing rich while growing food!517

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