10 July 2019

Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence? Yes. In Fact, It Is The Oldest!

In his Facebook sharing of today, Wednesday, 10 July 2019, Ramon Yedra says, "Trust intuition. It may be the highest form of intelligence." The link is to the article by Alanna Ketler, "Scientists Explain How Intuition May Be The Highest Form Of Intelligence" (26 May 2018, Collective Evolution, collective-evolution.com). 

"Intelligence," says the American Heritage Dictionary (thefreedictionary.com) is "the ability to acquire, understand, and use knowledge." From the same source, "knowledge" is what you are familiar with, or have perceived, discovered or learned.

Let me be personal. I am a nonfiction writer online (blogger) and an Ilocano; now, I have the ability to continue to acquire, understand, and learn to use the English language, a foreign tongue to me. As of today, I have written and blogged at least 4,000 long essays of a minimum 1,000 words each in the last 12 years, averaging 333 essays a year, or almost 1 essay a day – and all in the English language. I am an alumnus of the University of the Philippines Los Baños and graduated when it was still a Cow College (University of the Philippines' College of Agriculture). I am a teacher with a Civil Service license, Professional. I did teach in high school and college.

No one on the side of either of my parents had been a writer or journalist. I discovered my talent for creative writing by intuition, when I was still in high school in Rizal Junior College (High School Dept). In our senior year, the Tagalog teacher conducted a contest among us Seniors, mostly Ilocanos, to select the Tagalog Editor for the upcoming RJC newsletter. This Ilocano won over all Tagalogs. Intuition kicked in – it dawned on me that writing was where I excelled. And so I have been a writer in the last half a century.

I am still writing on varied topics, from A to Z, from Archaeological Excavations to Multiple Intelligences to Zimbabwe.

How can I write those thousands of essays on hundreds of subjects in the English language when I am a Filipino and I formally studied Science, not English Lit? In one word: intuition. It works like this:

I do Internet search on the subject, even when the subject is as clear as day. And intuition tells me how to write it out from beginning to end, differently.

So now, I revise-reverse Thomas Alva Edison's definition into this:

"Genius is 1% perspiration and 99% intuition."

Interestingly, our friend Ramon has shared this Facebook link. I am reminded of his and my visits to the Bay, Laguna property of Valeriano & Olive Emata, the object of archaeological excavations by a UP Diliman team led by Victor Paz. There, among other things, they found obsidian cutting tools dating about 10,000 years ago. Prehistoric Filipinos in Bay were intelligent people using intuition long before historic Chinese came to the Philippines.

And what led to the Bay archaeological discovery? Mr Emata's intuition. So, those obsidian cut glasses in Laguna prove that intuition is the oldest form of intelligence!517

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