14 October 2019

PH Agriculture Needs A Senator Cynthia Villar Digital Aggie Library, DALi!

The last time I heard, Senator Cynthia Villar was saying, according to Coconuts Manila ("'Senator Cynthia Villar calls Agriculture Dept 'Crazy' For Doing 'Too Much Research'," 10 October 2019, ph.news.yahoo.com), with the Senate then reviewing the Department of Agriculture, DA's budget:

Why does it seem like all your budget goes into research? You're crazy over research. What will you do with all this research? I'm a smart person, but I don't understand your research. How will this benefit farmers? Does a farmer like research? They want you to help them. Why is everything research?

Senator Villar had/has all the sane reasons for saying and asking all of the above!

I speak for myself, I Frank A Hilario, the "World's most highly original, creative writer online" – A Magazine Called Love (amagazinecalledlove.blogspot.com). Digitally self-taught, I have blogged at least 5,000 long essays on science and communication in the last 12 years.

Today, I am proposing the Cynthia Villar Digital Aggie Library, DALi, the Senator being the one who woke us up in our research lethargy, we assuming others know what we know.

With DALi, we can easily find out how to make PH Agriculture The Savior that it should be – not The Threat that it is now.

That is why we needed that digital aggie library yesterday!

I am willing to talk with Senator Villar for funding if she is willing to support The DALi Project (frankahilario@gmail.com). I can prepare the proper proposal in her office; after which, I can promise this:

In 100 days, my DALi working group can deliver a 500-page worth of the latest knowledge, theories and practices in PH Agriculture. We will be working at UP Los Baños, where aggie science meets any questioning mind.

Then we will have answers to such monumental questions as:

Why do we need hundreds of millions of pesos for more research in PH Agriculture! Don't we already know enough?

I believe I know where Senator Villar is coming from. So, I now challenge her:

Senator, why not you and my group come up with a digital library of already known technologies & systems, including folk wisdom, in the growing of which crops and raising of which animals, up to processing of produce and marketing?

Then we challenge those gentlemen wanting to do more research in PH Agriculture why do they need to know more, and where and how much?! That would be educational for all!

Day 2, or within 24 hours from official start of The DALi Project, the digital library will already be accessible anywhere anytime digitally.

For instance, the DA is proposing to spend P150 million pesos for corn research. Now, the DA has to answer first:

What's wrong with the current seeds?
What is there to improve in the growing of corn?
What is the guarantee that if we provide our farmers with good corn seeds, they will produce good corn yields?
What about financing and money management?

With Senator Cynthia Villar's project DALi online, answers to questions should be automatically available even by cellphone!@517

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