11 November 2019

Need Digital Help? Consider Any Of 7 Digital Me, Frank A Hilario!

These days, if you are not digital, you are either a problematic writer, or slow editor, or uninspired photographer, or mechanical desktop publisher, or burdened journal editor, or encumbered book producer, or ordinary guru. Poor you!

What about Frank A Hilario?
I am 7 times digital!
Meaning I can help you 7 times 7 if you like.

Help in? Creative writing, and editing, and photography, and desktop publishing, and journal editing, and book production, and virtual teaching.

That 6-part image above I took of my unique, enjoyable 2-monitor PC setup at home, on 23 April 2018, taken with my Lumix FZ100 digital camera. A metaphor, a likeness. It actually contains 7 separate photographs, top image featuring me and lower image my wife Ampy and granddaughter Yja. Ah, you can count only 6 images, you say – you forget that the totality of those 6, the single image of which I did notcompose – a Windows 10 collage – is the 7th as it is itself a whole image!

A digital universe is where we are all living in, whether you realize it or not. So, make the most of it! Not only once-in-a-while typing in your laptop. Not only paying attention to your cellphone and swiping most of the time. Not only surfing via your private or a public Internet connection.

I am a digital whiz, all 7 of me. A teacher, I have tried easy enough to teach myself. You're lucky, because you can have me as your virtual guru.

If you can't do it, I can do it. At 79!

All digital, extraordinary, I can help you in any of 7 ways:

1. Creative Writer. I have written and blogged at least 5,000 long essays since 2005. Nobody can beat that!

2. Author's Editor. I can help you write your thesis, dissertation, popular article or technical paper.

3. Photographer. With my Lumix, I took photographs for the coffee-table book I was producing for the Agricultural Credit & Policy Council, ACPC, in time for its Silver Anniversary. Only 3 months, February to April, to produce a coffee-table book of 144 pages? Yes. I delivered the first printed copies to ACPC exactly on 25 April 2012 – half of the photographs mine.

4. Desktop Publisher. I desktop published the journal Philippine Journal of Crop Science, PJCS, which was 3 years late in its issues; I made it up-to-date within 3 years – meaning, I worked & produced double!

5. Journal ISI Champion. For PJCS, I was Editor in Chief who did the language editing that had to meet international standards of quality. Class-less before me, it was I who made PJCS world-class, ISI.

6. Book Producer. I have produced via Microsoft Office 2013 several books already, the latest on psychology combined with religiosity (now awaiting printing).

7. Virtual Guru. Yes, whoever you are, I can help or teach you online, no need to show your face. Creative writing, desktop publishing, photography, blogging, all digital.

Email me, frankahilario@gmail.com – rest assured, whatever the subject or matter, my firstadvice is free!@517

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