13 November 2019

When Climate Change Scientists Disagree, How Do You Decide Who Is Right? Ask The Scholars & Thinkers – Us!

No, gentlemen & ladies, climate change is nota settled issue!

I am very much surprised that Filipino prominent scientist Eufemio Rasco shares on Facebook that a "society without scholars and thinkers is a dangerous society, says renowned sociologist," according to Farah Harith[1]:

Sociologist Prof Dr Syed Farid Alatas from the National University of Singapore said that a society without scholars and thinkers in fields such as literature is a dangerous society.

Science, (Prof Alatas) said, is not able to give a person an ethical position on any matter. This can only come from philosophies, ethical system, religion, and literature (as the) means of conveying that ethical or moral standpoint.

(top image, that of the Singapore NUS Prof Alatas, from the news source; lower image from Museums Wellington[2])

Science has no morality, no ethics!

That was the sociologist's reaction when Malaysian Council of Eminent Persons, CEP Chair Tun Daim Zainuddin said on radio, "I'm speaking about the Malays, they love literature because it's easy to pass. However, they should be doing engineering and science[3]." In other words, the CEP Chair is saying, "Science should be paramount in the life of a society."

No! NUS Professor Alatas points out that the sciences and the arts "produce different kinds of truth." I writer explain that this way:

The Sciences employ critical thinking
while the Arts employ creative thinking.

After years of scientific study, the 195 members of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, concluded, among other things, that "Carbon dioxide (is) a key greenhouse gas that drives global climate change[4]."

Wrong, IPCC!

Australian soil ecologist lady Christine Jones says, "It's a scientific fact that water vapor accounts for 95 percent of the greenhouse effect[5]."

Carbon dioxide or water? CO2 or H2O?

When scientists disagree, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters! In this case, the scholars and thinkers.

The artists are thinkers. Artists are for intuitive knowledge, which is not discoverable by science but verifiable by it – except of course the insight that there is an Almighty God, to which I believe as a Roman Catholic.

Intuition must go on, can go on without science; but science cannot go on without logic – and cannot escape out of logic!

Artists are thinkers, whether or not you recognize them as such – at least, the best ones are. I am a thinker, the writer of thousands of long essays published in my numerous blogs all over the Internet.

Now that I believe that it is H2O that is The Enemy and not CO2, I do not look at fossil fuels, coal plants, cars etc as major contributors to climate change. US President Donald Trump is right disbelieving in what the US EPA believes. No matter what you think, American or Filipino, Mr Trump is a thinker, and between fossil fuels and water vapor, he thinks in favor of society, not IPCC science.

Miss Jones shows Mr Trump is right.
The lady is a champ!@

[2] https://www.museumswellington.org.nz/climate-change-challenges-and-champions/
[4] https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/greenhouse-gases/
[5] https://regenerationinternational.org/2019/02/20/soil-ecologist-challenges-mainstream-thinking-on-climate-change/

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