23 November 2019

Use Prezi Or PowerPoint For Your Presentation? Wrong Question!

Look at the fiery image (inset) of Prezi, which I saw on Facebook. Good imagery, bad connection; that's nothow a creative brain works! Look at the main image, my Windows 10 collage: that's how your brain works trying to create something. You need your creativity first, but Prezi ignores it and insists on its own!

"How the human brain works" –
Ha. There is no such thing as a Left Brain and a Right Brain –
That's a no-brainer!

But there is such a thing as critical thinking
and such a thing as creative thinking.
Yet Prezi does not mention either.

The whole claim to fame of Prezi is that, without mentioning & explaining creativity first of all, Prezi is like saying:

Prezi is creative for you, do not worry about it.
That's exactly why you should worry about it!

I have the privilege to say all that. I am the world's most creative writer online, non-fiction; my 5,000+ long essays uploaded in my many blogs since 2005 should prove my contention. (For some quick counts, search the Web for "A Magazine Called Love" and "Frank A Hilario"including the double quotes.)

Than PowerPoint, Prezi claims being more organized, engaging, persuasive, effective. That is exactly the problem with Prezi: It organizes your thoughts when you do not yet have any!

"No need to start from scratch" –
That is the most anti-creative advice I have ever heard!

You do not have yet the foggiest idea what you want to say and yet you are supposed to be organizing the parts of your presentation already – just because Prezi is ready for you!

No, you are not ready to create a presentation until
you are ready with your main message,
and then the parts that contribute to that message.
Prezi does not know holism –  
The parts do not come first before the whole!

I should know. I worked as a copywriter for the Pacifica Publicity Bureau with Creative Director Nonoy Gallardo (husband of Celeste Legaspi) in the mid-70s, with the great mind of Father of Advertising David Ogilvy (British) on top of our heads.

Prezi's one-of-a-kind open canvas, smart structures, zoom reveal, free movement all make for an easy and enjoyable creation of a presentation – but that is Prezi's creativity, not yours! Prezi is spoon-feeding your creativity, not invoking it.

You, you have to start from scratch!

"Jump-start your awesomeness with these quick, simple ways to create your best presentations ever." But what is your awesomeness presenting except a collection of ideas and no common thread?

Because you have not settled on what is your main selling point!

Prezi even has what it calls story blocks, but it is not asking you to decide on your story first!

"Deliver stunning interactive visual experiences that let you adapt on the fly and zoom in on the topics that matter most to any audience."

Thank you, Prezi, but I have to start
with my main message, not
with you!

(If you need help making your presentation, email me: frankahilario@gmail.com. My first advice is free.)@517

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