04 December 2019

Calling For Digital Journalists, New DJs Of DA, Invented For PH Agriculture!

The new PH Agriculture under Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie needs digital journalists! The more the better. And I can train them online. To be Good, Better, Best!

Paradigm shift: From Inc., image above, from Inc.'s Contributing Editor Geoffrey James' article, "Case Closed: Work-From-Home Is The World's Smartest Management Strategy[1]," I got the idea of the digital journalist, DJ, plural, DJs.

Credentials: So I am an original, honest-to-goodness DJ starting January 2007 as international consulting writer for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT, based in India, while I was based in Manila. A distance of thousands of kilometers, no problem. That is why you need digital journalists!

So I presented myself to the world as an original DJ some 14 years ago. Proof? I have a collection of hard copies of my 7 books published by ICRISAT from 2008 to 2014; and I have the dedicated blog iCRiSAT Watch (https://icrisatwatch.blogspot.com) with 305 long essays on the aims and accomplishments of ICRISAT – when Manong Willie was Director General. And how much did I receive for being an honest and hardworking DJ? American $5K a year, a king's ransom in these parts! Let me add that I was DJ for ICRISAT from 2007 to 2014. If you multiply 5,000 with 50, I was twice a peso millionaire in those years!

In other words, I am an inadvertent living proof that working from home is heavenly!

So, what I want to do now is try and convince hardworking Manong Willie to now work for new aggie journalists and help them prepare to write in favor of the new PH Agriculture as envisioned in his "New Thinking for Agriculture" suffused with "The Eight Paradigms" for leveling up PH Agriculture.

I am thinking of the youth in the State Colleges & Universities, SCUs, who have some degree of yearning to be writers – I can visit their campuses and engage them in weekends of writing workshops in the digital world, whether they own PCs or not.

Why cultivate bloggers for PH Agriculture – and not journalists who are staff members of current online media? Bloggers because they can be highly original and nobody can reject their writeups. They can control what they come up with – and when they make mistakes, they can easily correct them. (Online, I can be their Author's Editor anytime.)

And who is this senior proselytizing for new and junior DJs?

First, note that I am 79, and I am a self-taught writer, including self-taught blogger. I blog everyday. Today, I continue to blog like there is no yesterday! My current blog is iParadigm Shifts (https://iparadigmshifts.blogspot.com); here you will find that I published in the last 91 days, 01 September-30 November, exactly 114 essays, each one positive-thinking and/or problem-solving in the science of agriculture. Unbelievable, I thank God for my creativity.

Young writers in the SCUs, email me, frankahilario@gmail.com, and I will include your names in a project proposal for Manong Willie to provide funds for the new DJs of PH Agriculture!@517


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