01 December 2019

SCUs, Listen! Age Does Not Matter In Learners! "I Want Them To Know They Have No Limits" – Gene Ambaum & Bill Barnes

Youth in the State Colleges & Universities, SCUs, know that you can contribute to the war for a new PH Agriculture being led by Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie by writing about the Theory & Practice of Agriculture in your own villages:

And I will teach you how to write!

At 79, I have dedicated the rest of my life to the new PH Agriculture under Manong Willie, and because I am an indefatigable teacher and a blogger even considering my age of 79 years, I know I have no limits except God’s grace.
Digital is my world. I want to teach you, digitally, youth in the SCUs, how to write so that you can enjoy your learning more and help propagate Manong Willie's mantra:

Masaganang Ani at Mataas na Kita.
(Happy Grains, Happy Gains)

First, you, the young students at the SCUs, from Mariano Marcos State University, MMSU, in Northern Luzon, to Leyte State University, LSU, in the Visayas, to Mindanao State University, MSU, in Mindanao, you have to study Manong Willie's "New Thinking for Agriculture" which is composed of what he calls "The Eight Paradigms" necessary to "Level Up PH Agriculture." The 8 are:

(1)   Modernization
(2)   Industrialization
(3)   Promotion of exports
(4)   Consolidation of small- and medium-sized farms
(5)   Infrastructure development
(6)   Higher budget & investment
(7)   Legislative support
(8)   Roadmap development.

Very difficult subjects, right?!

How can anyone, much less a college student, learn all that and then write about any part of it?

Not to worry.

Above image is the lower half of the comic strip accompanying the article "Learning From Mother Nature About Teaching Our Children: Ten Simple Truths[1]" by David Sloan Wilson; the image is by cartoonists Ambaum & Barnes (unshelved.com); I love the exchange!

Did you tell this student he could check out this book?
Are you aware that it's well beyond his reading level?
Don't care.
We have a policy!
I love the sound policy makes when I break it.
I'm very disappointed you let kids check out just any book.
Why, which books do you want to censor?
What? No! I just want to make sure they read within their capabilities!
And I want them to know that they have no limits.

At 79, as a teacher of high school and college in Horticulture, in technical writing and creative writing, not to mention desktop publishing and journal editing –

I want you to know that,
as a learner you have no limits!
If I can do it, you can do it!
Especially digital works.

Digital is my universe now, and my Lenovo ThinkPad Flex2 14-inch 6-year old laptop is my drone.

Yes, at 79, I write and blog an average of 5 essays every 4 days, which means sometimes I blog twice a day.

Yes, I am ready to teach you, youth of the SCUs, how to write – you just have to convince your SCU to invite me by email: frankahilario@gmail.com@517

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