05 December 2019

UP Journalism & PH Agriculture – The New Nationalism Is Redemption, Not Revolution!

UP Professor of Journalism Danilo Arao is 2020 Editor of Media Asia, which is regional – What good is that for Asian or Philippine Journalism?

Good – but not good enough!
"I must be cruel, only to be kind." Hamlet, William Shakespeare

I. Time for this UP alumnus self-proclaimed & digital science journalist to judge the living and the dead in media.

Pertinently, is UP journalism a living word in PH Agriculture? Nah! If and when it comes out, it is protest, not pro-development.

For instance, we have a new Secretary of Agriculture in the person of William Dar/Manong Willie, PhD in Horticulture, UP Los Baños – has any UP journalist mentioned that in pride even once?

Or, UP in character, has UP journalism examined skeptically Manong Willie's "New Thinking for Agriculture" and his "Eight Paradigms" that embody much of such new thinking? Never has a Secretary of Agriculture come out right on his first day of office firing from all cylinders!

About Media Asia, I see Mr Arao has his editor's job cut out for him. Here are exact lines from its own webpage[1]:

Media Asia accepts the following types of article:

·      Research articles, Interview, Other insights, Book Review (Noteworthy), Briefing, Roundtable, Case Report, Other Reportage

Media Asia considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that

·      the manuscript contain nothing that is abusive, defamatory, libellous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal.

How many grammatical mistakes can you see in those 45 words I quoted and put in italics?
I can count 7. (Can't find them? email me, frankahilario@gmail.com)

Paradigm shifts.

Media Asia needs to go back to grammar school.

UP journalism needs to go back to the nationalism of Jose Rizal, not the nationalism of Andres Bonifacio:

Redemption, not Revolution!

Right now, how can the poor Filipino farmers and fishers redeem themselves against sinning against themselves and their own families as they have always been:

Relying on borrowing from usurers – because they are quick to the draw;

Relying on non-mechanized farming – because they love their neighbors who cannot find paid labor otherwise;

Relying on selling their farm produce to the merchants – because they are the ones whom they borrowed from in the first place and therefore cannot escape the debt trap!

I have just come out with the idea of digital journalists, DJs – see my essay, "Calling For Digital Journalists, New DJs Of DA, Invented For PH Agriculture[2]!" I am not a UP Professor, but I am a licensed teacher if it comes to that, Professional Level. In any case, I taught myself my digital creative writing; at 79, if I can do it, you can do it!

And so I invite the UP journalists, not the least Mr Arao, to engage themselves actively and awesomely in helping the poor Filipino farmers and fishers in redeeming themselves. Instead of hardheadedly protesting in the streets against their fates and the government.

Today, UP journalists, not to mention the traditional kinds, have the best Secretary of Agriculture they can hope for! What else do they want!?@517


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