09 December 2019

PH Agriculture & Creativity. When Genius Understands Only 1% Of Genius

You did not think that PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie is a genius, did you? Even before his first day of office on Monday, 05 August 2019, he already had his "New Thinking for Agriculture" where he packed in "The Eight Paradigms" for the new PH agriculture. Don't we have genius!

My friend, even the American genius Thomas Alva Edison understood only 1% of genius. He famously said: "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." Ah, Edison was wrong! This genius says:

Genius is 99% inspiration and 1% perspiration!

And how do I prove that I am a genius myself? I am disproving Edison's genius.

Look at the above image again shared on Facebook by my friend, another genius, about Knowledge. Experience. Creativity.

The most important skill in the future will be the ability to "connect the dots" in your own way!

No. I genius say:

Genius, or creativity, is 99% thinking first the image to draw, then 1% connecting the dots.

Look at the above image again and prove it to yourself. Connecting the dots needs your fingers; first knowing which dots to connect needs your 99% imagination. You drew the cat only after you imagined it, not before. Why cat? That's your creativity, your genius. I can imagine a dog.

Writers, your genius is what I want to inspire you to do Kita-Ni Journalism. From Manong Willie's Ani and Kita, Here, "Kita-ni" means "Seen by" and "Earned by." Kita-Ni Journalism shows the farmer what he should see, then explains how he should earn.

Kita-Ni. So what precisely does the journalist have to show the farmer to convince him that by doing so he will have higher yield? Kita ni. Not only higher yield but higher income. Kita ni. So how precisely does the journalist have to explain for the farmer to appreciate how he can earn more in marketing his produce?

Ah, the Kita-Ni journalist must be the first learner. He has to learn first what he wants the farmer to learn. Otherwise, he has no credibility, a 1% genius!

Kita ni. High yield seen by; that's the field of Agronomy. Kita ni. High income earned by; that's the field of Economics. It is the high earnings that the farmer is after, so Economics is important in farming.

In fact, Economics is more important than Agronomy. If after the high yield the farmer gets low income, how can he be happy? How can he rise from poverty and stay up there? How can the journalist say that he is helping the farmer live a better life from his farming?

Back to the cat up there – creativity will tell you that you can also draw, at the very least, a pig! So, it is not simply connecting the dots; be honest, genius friend, it is first creative thinking!

If you think that creative thinking is not for farmers; if you think creative thinking is not for journalists who want to help the farmers – then your genius is only 1%, not 99%!@517

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