20 August 2019

Need Help With Your Manuscript? Email Me, Frank A Hilario, Creative

Authors' Editor. That's whom you need when you're having problems with your manuscript, any of these:

(1)      annual report
(2)      article
(3)      autobiography
(4)      biography
(5)      book report/review
(6)      brochure
(7)      coffee-table book
(8)      cultural book
(9)      dissertation
(10)   essay
(11)   Executive Summary
(12)   flyer
(13)   history book
(14)   homily
(15)   lecture
(16)   manual
(17)   PowerPoint presentation
(18)   speech
(19)   technical report
(20)   textbook
(21)   thesis
(22)   trip report

Problems with a manuscript of any kind, length, complexity? You need an Author's Editor, and I'm just an email away.

"Authors' Editor" is not a familiar term, I know, but you don't know what you're missing until you try and get one. Especially me! I have more than half a century – that's 50 years – of experience in writing and editing in nonfiction such as Science.

About "Author's Editor," Wikipedia says (en.wikipedia.org):

An authors' editor is a language professional who works "with authors to make draft texts fit (the) purpose."[1]

Meaning, you the author writes (and rewrites) the draft and the authors' editor edits as well as helps you write where he sees weaknesses in the writing, as necessary or desirable.

(An authors' editoris not a ghostwriter, who writes the whole material with the consent of the one who appears as the author in the published material, with or without acknowledgement of the ghostwriter's help. Sometimes, the name of the author is followed with the word "with" before the name of the ghostwriter.)

Who needs an authors' editor? I'm talking of science or nonfiction – I'm not good at fiction. Look at the list again. I'm the only one who does not need an Authors' Editor because I am already one!

I said any manuscript, as long as it is in soft copy, readable by Microsoft Word. (I can also do the layouting, table of contents, indexing, you know? I'm your one-man band!

In the list, I italicized Executive Summary because 99.99% of authors of reports do not really see what to put in there, and how to organize the content.

An authors' editor is your friend as an author and your companion when you need your work edited, at different times or at the same time. An author's friend, an editor in need.

Choose from any of these packages, in thousand pesos:

(packA): 1K for 1 Month for Creative Writing-Editing (Creative WE)

(packB): 5K for 5 Weeks for Technical Writing-Editing (Technical WE)

(packC): 10K for 10 Weeks for Thesis Writing-Editing (Thesis WE), or Report Writing-Editing (Report WE).

I do not charge extra for "too many" number of times of writing-editing work, as long as it is within the work period as agreed: 30 days (Creative WE), 5 weeks (Technical WE), or 10 weeks (Thesis WE or Report WE).

Email me now! frankahilario@gmail.com.
The file you save is your own.@

[1] Joy Burrough-Boenisch & Valerie Matarese. 2013. "The Authors' Editor: Working With Authors To Make Drafts Fit For Purpose." In V Matarese (ed), Supporting Research Writing: Roles And Challenges In Multilingual Settings: Oxford: Chandos, pp 173–189.

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