16 August 2019

PH Youth Leaders – Quo Vadis? Let's See How Much SM Cares!

International Youth Day was 12 August 2019, no news I saw. The scanty details on the Global Youth Summit 2019 (to be held on Saturday, 17 August) dramatize what we have so far neglected in Philippine society – Leading the youth leaders

The Global Peace Foundation, GPF is the sponsor of the event and the Facebook page says the "Global Youth Summit (GYS) is a 1-day celebration of youth leadership that aims to engage and inspire the world's future experts."

I hope so! I am a crusading writer; the post does not tell me much, I wonder how they will "share their ideas and utilize their diverse skill-sets, knowledge, and networks to effectively address persistent problems of today."

The GPF website says (globalpeace.org):

The annual Global Youth Summit convenes thousands of inspired young delegates annually in Manila to develop youth leadership that is globally-minded and innovative.

Delegates participate in workshops that address themes and issues that impact youth like technology, environment, public policy advocacy and education.

But no details. Why is the GPF so secretive about those workshops, themes and issues, technology, environment, policies and education?

SM Cares, the corporate social responsibility program of SM Supermalls, along with AIESEC, an international student leadership exchange program, I understand supports the GYS in Manila. So, SM Cares, next time please make sure you come up with a press release that has the necessary details!

I was once a copywriter of Pacifica Publicity Bureau of the great Tony Zorilla and so I know that your Facebook copy is much inadequate. It does not communicate much.

We are not helping our youth leaders become more effective. Did you know "Why Communication Is So Important For Leaders"? (undated, Center for Creative Leadership, ccl.org). I quote:

How important is communication for leaders?

It's critical. Communication is a core leadership function. Effective communication and effective leadership are closely intertwined. Leaders need to be skilled communicators in countless relationships at the organizational level, in communities and groups, and sometimes on a global scale.

Sorry to say this, but SM Cares, you are neglecting our youth leaders if you are not helping them become powerful communicators with your example!

The same source says, "You need to think with clarity, express ideas, and share information with a multitude of audiences." These apply not only to target consumers or buyers of products but also target people for social good.

Which brings me to my advocacy for people, especially youth leaders, now I must say, to learn to be impressive communicators by learning to be creative thinkers in the first place.

Assuredly, my creative thinking workshops can teach people to become better writers and, therefore, more influential communicators! After all, I am the "world's most highly original, creative writer online. Guru" (amagazinecalledlove.blogspot.com). Nonfiction.

Image: I call my workshop "Write Away!" because with me you can learn to write creatively right away! 
So, SM Cares, please sponsor a hundred and one youth leaders in a number of Philippine Write Away! Workshops from now on. Email me, frankahilario@gmail.com. SM Cares, right?@517

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