22 August 2019

The High 5 Of Agriculture – Manong Willie's 5-Way Test Revolutionizing The World

Give me five!

If yet you have no idea about the "New Thinking for Agriculture" from new PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, then you are an old fogey no matter your age or nationality!

You must realize that Manong Willie is himself an Ilocano original, "Manong" meaning "older brother," used with respect and yet with familiarity. You have to learn the ways of the Ilocanos (Filipinos) like us two.

In his today's column at the Manila Times online, "There Is Hope For PH Agriculture – Last of 3 Parts" (22 August 2019, manilatimes.net), I am struck – and instructed – by his revolutionary declaration that:

Programs and projects should pass The Five-Way Test – all should be Productive, Competitive, Profitable, Resilient and Sustainable. (my Cap-and-lowercases)

I selected only 17 words and yet they are a mouthful. So now let us chew on Manong Willie's "5-Way Test for New Doing for Agriculture" (my term), to complement his "New Thinking for Agriculture."

Think? Do me The Five!

That is a cool call for global revolution in agriculture! (above, main image from litcouncil.com, William Dar image from GMA Network, google.com)

The 5-Way Test is for a new, universally acceptable agriculture– in the Philippines a national dream that has remained elusive in the last 100 years, since Americans founded the University of the Philippines' College of Agriculture in 1908 in Los Baños. A whole century of lost opportunities for agriculture to be good socially!

Here are my answers to the test questions:

√ Productive? Your output such as from a cluster of crop, flock of birds, or pen of pigs, must approach as much as possible the natural upper limit. So: More grains per hill, more meat per drop of water. Good quantity must be of good quality, the higher the better.

√ Competitive? Remember, you are a farmer competing against other farmers in your country as well as other countries, so your price must be at least equal if not lower and/or the quality higher than those of other farmers.

√ Profitable? After all is said and done, all in, your unit cost of production must be at least equal if not lower than other farmers here and/or abroad. And your net income must be a great reward for your honest toil.

√ Resilient? Since Climate Change is upon us, extreme weather the whole year through, very wet or very dry, you must learn to adapt your farming so that your crop and/or livestock not only survives but thrives. That requires a whole new Science of Climate Change Adaptation, not only Risk Reduction. (Ask the new DA for further guidance.)

√ Sustainable? Sustainable is defined in development terms as: technically feasible, economically viable, environmentally sound, and socially acceptable. That is, in the end, can you repeat you farming system, continue to make profits, conserve the natural resources, and serve your people?

What is the minimum test score for you as farmer and your farming system to pass The 5-Way Test? You must score favorably in all 5 tests.

Give me five!@517

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