26 August 2019

Papers, Presentations & Publications – What An iVirtual Guru Can Teach/Do For You

A guru is a teacher, adviser, or mentor, or all 3. Guro.

The term "Virtual Guru" is already accepted in the digital world; to differentiate, I am calling myself the iVirtual Guru – the attached i referring to any or all of these: Internet-based, intellectual, innovative, interesting, insightful, inclusive, ingenious, incredible.

The Virtual Guru says, "The technology is on your hands" (thevirtualguru.com). That is the ideal, meaning, as iVirtual Guru, if I teach you in using the digital app Office Publisher 2013, you yourself will become adept at it; not at once, but eventually, as I mentor you.

Now, which one can I help you in?

1.  Popular Writing?
2.  Technical Writing?
3.  Popular Editing?
4.  Technical Editing?
5.  Layouting?
6.  Book Production?
7.  Newsletter Production?
8.  Magazine Production?
9.  Technical Journal Production?
10. Indexing?
11. Blogging?

Editing the grammar is included, of course.

Popular writingcan be a column in a paper, lecture, presentation, speech – even an annual report.

Technical writingcan be a paper for publication, report of results of research, or a state-of-the-art review.

Popular editingand technical editing are the same process, except the language used.

Layouting includes formatting text, lines, paragraphs, assigning columns, and designing pages.

Book production starts with the concept and ends with commercial printed copies.

Newsletters and magazines are publications that appear regularly. They differ mostly in theme, content, and authorship (Lifewrite, lifewire.com). Content: A newsletter has articles about one main subject, and one or a few authors. A magazine has multiple subjects, themes, authors, and pictures. Readership: A newsletter is for a special group while a magazine is for a general readership.

From my experience of formal popular writing, starting with the University of the Philippines' College of Agriculture, UPCA, student newsletter Aggie Green & Gold, in 1960 in those typewriter years, up to 1985 in UPCA when I began to use the personal computer with the application WordStar, up to now while I use Microsoft Office 2013 (hoping to purchase Office 2019anytime now), the digital platform has increased my output in quantity and quality many times over!

The virtual world is extra rich if you are not lazy to explore it, if you are not closed minded.

Virtual book production
In the above image of my Windows 10inadvertent collage, on the right is one of my proposed main titles and covers of the book by Alegria Abellon Javier-Obien: Moving On From Woundedness To Wholeness To Family, which eventually came out as Moving On From Woundedness To Wellness. The iVirtual Guru produces; the author pronounces.

Indexing is an extra-special process for any book, especially non-fiction – nobody does it as well as I do!

Blogging is an eternal source of delight – sharing your thoughts with the world is a happy habit. You can find happiness in blogging if I teach you!

The virtual world has riches you will want to explore further, with me as your iVirtual Guru.

Promise: 1st email advice I give you on any textual material (soft copy) you send is free. frankahilario@gmail.com@517

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