13 August 2019

"I Will Just Wait For What William Dar Will Do Next" – Professor-In-Waiting

On Facebook, I saw sharings more or less in these words: 

Attitude X: "I will just wait for what William Dar will do next."
Attitude Y: "He knows what he needs to do."
Attitude Z: "He needs active people."

Attitude Z? That's mine.

Attitude X? You are a Lazy Juan, lying on the ground face up waiting for that ripe mango fruit to fall into your mouth. No sweat.

Attitude Y? You are a Watching Juan, not doing anything but looking over, through and under, waiting for something bad to happen, and then you will say, "I told you so!"

Attitudes X and Y belong to those who do not wish to take an active part in nation-building; they are variations of the Wait-And-See Attitude. They do not want to commit even an honest mistake.

Now I will tell you why I chose the image above – it says, Aksyon (Action), which is what we all need to do:


We all must contribute to the public good, and actively, not just wait for the public good to happen, or watch while the 1 week-old Secretary of Agriculture brings about the good.

PH Agriculture is not a one-man job, no matter how brilliant the Secretary is.

Leadership is leadership. He is the Team Captain – now, where is the team? That includes you and me!

Mr Dar was Director General of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT, based in India, from 2000 to 2014, yes, 15 long years, 3 terms – that's how the Indians loved him, until he retired at the end of 2014. His ICRISAT slogan: "Science with a human face."

Now, where are the humans when you need them!?

I was international consulting writer for ICRISAT from 2007 to 2014. In 2007, I wrote in my dedicated blog ("Being A Different Kind Of CV. Globally Yours, William Dar," 17 September 2007, iCRiSAT Watch, icrisatwatch.blogspot.com):

He is a prophet, in the sense of predictor of events. Peter Drucker says, "The best way to predict the future is to invent it." William Dar invents it in his mind and makes things happen to realize it.

Now, even if Mr Dar knows exactly what to do with PH agriculture, you have no license to watch idly. While he invents your future, you cannot simply sit and look with approval or disapproval – you have to get involved!

In that same long essay, I said:

One can see and expect from him passion, purpose and people-oriented procedure in whatever he does. He has turned around ICRISAT from loser to champion status by managing science with a human face, by deciding on the basis of the Big Picture, by innovating, by arousing a positive attitude and nurturing high morale among the staff, all with integrity.

Where is your human face? You are not excused from contributing to the overall effort to revive PH agriculture because you are not a staff of the DA. Think what good you can do now, and do it. This is your country!@517

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