03 September 2019

Critics Of William Dar & The New PH Agriculture – How About Some Honesty & Humor!

Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained is my birth month's ebook on the problematic Old and problem-solving New PH Agriculture. The Old harps on the low buying price of palay; while the New helps to cushion the adverse impact of rice tariffication via those low prices.

The Old refuses to let go of the Old Paradigms Lost; the New refuses to let up on its new paradigms of initiatives to immediately stalemate the enemy and ultimately deliver the farmers from poverty – Paradigms Regained.

The Old refuses to go; the New refuses to give up!

It was Robert  Baden-Powell, Father of the Boy Scouts, who said, "Never say die until you're dead." Now then, 2 Filipino boy scouts, full-blooded Manongs, are now revolutionizing how the world treats farmers! One with creative thinking, the other with creative writing.

Manong #1: Here is the 1 month-old "The New Thinking for Agriculture" introduced into these islands by new Secretary of Agriculture William Dar:

Serving Science with a Human Faith.

Manong #2: Here is my new book Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained, inspired explorations of "The New Thinking for Agriculture," in 79 short essays. Smile!

Wholistic and realistic, that's The New Thinking for Agriculture, gentle rains called Paradigms showered and shown on the Filipino people, for the advocates working with the poor farmers & fishers for their ultimate release from poverty.

Witty and idealistic, that's Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained, a wad of interpretations and extensions for the Filipino people for their ultimate release from despair from ignorance of alternatives to the old agriculture. New lessons.

Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained – The title of this single book is a pun on the title of the 2 books by John Milton, Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. Wikipedia describes Milton's 2 books thus (Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org):

Whereas Paradise Lost is ornate in style and decorative in its verse, Paradise Regained is carried out in a fairly plain style. Specifically, Milton reduces his use of simile and deploys a simpler syntax in Paradise Regained than he does in Paradise Lost, and this is consistent with Jesus' sublime plainness in his life and teachings.

Is that right? I did notknow that!

The New Thinking for Agriculture as enunciated by our Agriculture Secretary is stated in scientific jargon, necessarily. He is a scientist first of all.

Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained is my continuing attempt to reduce the technical jargon to popular language. I point out to them as The Gospel of The Eight Paradigms that the Secretary commands us to follow:

(1) Modernize agriculture.
(2) Industrialize agriculture.
(3) Promote exports.
(4) Consolidate the farms.
(5) Develop roadmaps.
(6) Build infrastructure.
(7) Have higher budgets and investments for agriculture.
(8) Have legislative support.

Today, you can enjoy reading about the 8 with my highly imaginative book that reflects the highly original thinking of William Dar – yes, serving science with honor and humor. This is a first anywhere in the World of Agriculture!

Test your genius against 2 geniuses. Get your free copy of my extraordinary ebook now! frankahilario@gmail.com@517

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