13 September 2019

Sun Rises Over Rice In Leyte – Science Makes History, CYA Makes Farmers Rich & Happy!

Paradise Lost: Super-typhoon Yolandastruck Leyte in 2013, destroying 1 million houses (news.abs-cbn.com) and 6,000 people lost their lives (rappler.com). Yet thousands more lost their hope

Paradise Regained: Now we are looking at the sun rising over rice, with a smiling lady farmer of Alangalang, Leyte, with such bountiful panicles harvested by hand (tribune.net.ph).

Differently, planting, fertilizing, taking care of, harvesting, drying, cleaning, milling and finally packing and packaging all by machine, some 700 rice farmers in Alangalang have joined hands with Chen Yi Agventures, CYA, to produce up to 200 cavans per hectare untouched by human hands!

No, that is not an exaggeration. I am not a propagandist like a prominent someone on Facebook insinuated that I was. I THiNK! when I write; I ask a series of questions: True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind?

And yes, the whole process of producing delicious & healthy rice from Alangalang, Leyte by CYA that they call the Dalisay by Renucci Rice is all of that: True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind! As far as I know, CYA does THiNK rice thus:

True. Dalisay is Tagalog for  pure, untainted; in the case of Dalisay by Renucci Rice, it is unadulterated, clean, chemical-free, pest-free – and rich in nutrients that rice gives the human body.

Helpful. CYA says it provides extension services "to ensure that farmers optimize their yield." The ordinary farmer I know does not think of optimizing anything.

Inspiring. In helping the Alangalang farmers practice good agriculture, CYA says the farmers can increase their income by more than 10 times!

Necessary. CYA also takes care of the harvesting, drying, milling, packing and packaging of Dalisay rice to ensure a healthy produce – necessarily untouched by human hands.

Kind. The Alangalang farmers enjoy a low-interest loan package payable in palay at harvest.

That is from the side of a journalist of PH Agriculture.

Now, from the side of a manager.

Secretary of Agriculture William Dar was the guest speaker at the launching of Dalisay Rice on Wednesday, 11 September 2019, at the Grand Hyatt Ballroom at the Bonifacio Global City in Taguig, with selected guests. Among other things, he said:

For from all angles, Dalisay Renucci Rice and CYA are the embodiment of "The New Thinking Through 8 Paradigms in Agriculture" that I have been advocating… (1) agricultural modernization, (2) industrialization of agriculture, (3) promotion of exports, (4) farm consolidation, (5) infrastructure development, (6) Roadmap development, (7) higher budget and investments for agriculture, and (8) legislative support.

We (also) push for Big Brother-Small Brother strategy, in which big companies will be asked to help smaller ones grow and prosper.

Bravo Renucci!

Before Secretary Dar, PH Agriculture had its Paradigms Lost – one-track mindedly pursuing rice sufficiency, losing its way.

With Secretary Dar, PH Agriculture has its Paradigms Regained!

Above, my book Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained informs wittily on the 8 Paradigms Mr Dar is propagating throughout the country to make farmers of rice rich. Yours for free if you email on/before 17 September 2019; after that, it's US$17/P900/copy. frankahilario@gmail.com.@517

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