10 September 2019

New Paradigm In Rice Farming: Patrick & Rachel Renucci Give Us "SciTech Rice"

In 2014, Patrick & Rachel Renucci decided to change both residence and business from glitzy Paris to grassy Leyte and planted the flag of the Philippine Rice Revolution.

Tina Arceo-Dumlao says, "'Rice Revolution' Sparked In Leyte" (20 November 2017, Inquirer.Net, business.inquirer.net, where the above image comes from). It is " the biggest private-sector loan agreement in the (Philippine) agriculture industry." The target is 1.25 million sacks of play for Phase 1 alone.

This is the Philippine Rice Revolution nobody saw, or predicted.

The Renuccis decided to leave their luxurious life in Paris and settle on what they saw was a luxuriant life with rice. That we did not see.

During the signing of the 2017 huge loan agreement with LandBank, the Renuccis said:

We hope that, with the support of the LandBank of the Philippines, the Rice Revolution will be replicated across the country and, someday soon, the Philippines will be self-sufficient and could even export rice.

The Philippines could even export rice. Unbelievable!

Aside from the huge investment, what is the secret? Mr Renucci said:

We are the first to use technology to merge and level disparate land parcels in order to create vast tracts of rice land…These large, consolidated rice parcels can optimize irrigation, facilitate water management and, ultimately, reduce the cost of palay production.

A universal paradigm shift!

"If you don't get out of the box you were raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is" – Angelina Jolie (sweetmanager.blogspot.com).

Instead of merging the parcels, the business-minded Renuccis merged the technologies and systems into one, which I now call SciTech Rice.

Instantly, even clueless rice farmers become entrepreneurs!

In my original image below, my listing of the steps of the whole process is not meant to be precise, but simply to point out the need for technology and system to produce with super gains the super grains that are brought to the supermarket.

I say: Not fund management, on paper; not farm consolidation, on paper; not corporative, on paper – but science & technology management, on sight. Show the farmers what together they, you, and machines & systems can do, including low-interest loans and high-price rice, and you have a multi-billion peso rice industry. Ready for exports.

SciTech Management has nothing to do with actual land consolidation, for instance. The Renuccis are using systems and technologies with those separate parcels of land and in effect consolidating them and enjoying economies of scale.

Simple, isn't it? So why did not anyone else think of that?!

I am integrating my new ebook Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained into this essay because you have to input into the new PH Agriculture what new Secretary of Agriculture William Dar calls "The Eight Paradigms" in "The New Thinking for Agriculture." My book has wit; Mr Dar, now along with Mr & Mrs Patrick Renucci, have wisdom.

(It would be wise if you email me for a free copy of my book on or before 17 September 2019; the day after, I will be charging US$17/P900/copy. frankahilario@gmail.com.)@517

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